Shaw Road PTA

Shaw Road Elementary, Puyallup, WA

You Shaw Road Elementary PTA is need of a dedicated individual (or pair of individuals) to take on the Membership or Volunteer Coordinator positions for NEXT YEAR (2024-2025)! If you or someone you know would like to tackle one of those important positions on our building crew, please reach fill out and submit your interest via the volunteer interest form or a direct email to our president at!


Welcome to our Trailblazer Community!! The executive board wants to THANK THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY in your support of all of our wonderful staff and students this year!

Our official website and backend will soon be changing from Memberplanet to Givebacks per the state PTA process.

Please remember to register or re-register for membership for NEXT year (2024-2025) starting on JULY 1, 2024 as your show of support for all the wonderful children and staff at Shaw Road; remember, your membership does NOT mean you have to volunteer with the PTA, it just tells us that you are a hearty supporter! The strength of our PTA and family support allows us to fund essential educational and curriculum needs; advocate on behalf of children and educators at the local, state and national levels; and build an inclusive school community for all families. Please consider a donation of time, money, or resources! 


Keep up to date with the PTA!

We're building something amazing this year! Stay connected throughout the year by following us on Facebook or Instagram, attending our board meetings and joining our email list to receive the latest updates and volunteer opportunities